warrior cats gathering call

It's a clever way to keep up with trespassing cats and keep the borders fresh. Tigerheart warns Dovewing that Dawnpelt is planning something for ThunderClan. Medicine Cat: Medicine cats in the Clan are very important. dapple - a spotted tabby or tortoiseshell So the point of all of this, put more simply, is to know when to interact. It is considered a great honour to be chosen by a Clan leader to go to a Gathering. Clan deputies also go on patrols, not only organize them. "Sometimes its worse than this, sometimes its really quiet." --Argent, Blazepaw looked to Iceheart but then twitched her ears, "I-Think i heard something" Blazepaw said before trying to pin point what she heard- Blazepaw, Wolfy heard something that faintly sounded like something falling? "I'm Lionpaw." Underneath this light stood specific cats: Wolfy, Hollyflight, Blazepaw, Redpaw, Silverdawn, Patchwhisker, Foggypawand even Swiftpaw, Wolfstar's newphew. They have restocked their medicine supplies, and all their. RiverClan's medicine cats treated several cases of whitecough. 'Argent' is just fine with me." Dappletuft died in the skirmish and RiverClan buried him like a rogue. He would not let StarClan subject a couple of innocent lives to their doom, for the sake of cats like LakeClan. The five Clans unite to defeat Darktail and the Kin. Clearly, cats are stronger when they are united as one." I dont know, just listen. She muttered back to her apprentice, flicking her gaze, this was big, starclan has been silent for awhile she guessed. 1. He shrugged. When the Clans were in the old forest, their chosen spot to gather for their meetings is called Fourtrees. Leaders of their respective clan take their place among their clan's rock to share any important news that may have to be heard. And it's a good idea to go over it even if you are familiar with them. Windclan: Let all cats old enough to run the moor gather around the Tall Rock for a clan meeting! Recieve omens and signs in their dreams which may shape the future of their Clan, or sometimes all the Clans. She stunk of LakeClan. Mange is a disease caused by mites which causes severe itching and hair / fur loss. That was moons ago! Basically, try not to make the whole roleplay revolve around you. He thought to himself dryly before leading his cats into the Greatstones. Kits are energetic and happy, and love to hear stories and cause trouble. [Extra: Do not run away as it can be very annoying and no one cares to come after you!]. cat 1 points out to their friend, cat 2, that clan 1 is looking a lot smaller. Learn more about your favourite Warriors and their ancestors in this interactive family tree. +. You can also be a kittypet, rogue, or a loner. Swiftpaw wasnt the friend making type either - Foggypaw, After the moon's glow had touched the chosen cats, it was covered in a thick band of clouds after Wolfstar furrowed his brow out of rage. Whether you want to find the latest news, content and videos, or dive into the amazing new store, this is the place for you. || he was growling and lashing his tail || {the leader nods and looks thoughtful for a moment}. Having fun? - Iceheart, "Yup! He offers Leafstar the rest of ShadowClan territory in exchange for letting him and other Clanmates join SkyClan. Clan deputies make patrols every morning and every night. Its easier to not cause trouble for any of you. She meowed. WindClan: All cats old enough to run the moor gather beneath the Tallrock for a Clan meeting)! Search Patrol. Leader: Is it your wish to give up the name of a warrior and go to join the elders? -- Rainstar, Spotpaw hid among his clanmates, fumbling around his paws nervously. --Talonpaw & Nettlesoar, Argent thought she heard something, but she could barely hear it over the leaders arguing. A kit may choose to become a medicine cat apprentice at six moons, and usually trains longer than warrior apprentices. Mossfeather turned to her, gave a small smile and a nod. It's Maya (she/her) and Sophia (she/her), two young Twolegs, and we're here to talk about Warriors! Even if she was "against" him. This will give you a warrior ceremony, apprentice and elder. You gonna be okay? From this moment she/he will be known as (New name) for (reason).Leader puts her/his head on the newly name warriors shoulder. One thing that most people misunderstand is if you don't use certain symbols, you are considered inexperienced. What other reason would it be than a virus she muttered as a large Tom came other to her, she gulped. That you could feel Snowpaw's warmth beside you, he could comfort . Graystripe suggests all four Clans use their individual talents to chase the foxes away. Pinestar has left to become a kittypet and now, Three new kits have been born. Medicine Cat Apprentice: A medicine cat apprentice trains under the Clan's medicine cat, and has chosen to devote their life to helping their Clan with herbs and knowledge in healing, instead of combat. No, Bloompaw didnt even know if. she felt the same way - Bloompaw, Petuniaheart sighed "A journey? Such a strong word, a word that could bring out the worst, or best in anyone. If this is hard to wrap your head around, here's an example: You are a kittypet walking into the ThunderClan camp. He spotted some lost-looking silver rosetted she-cat in the distance. Tawnypelt is now a warrior. -- Swiftpaw (MC), Wolfstar lead MoonClan away from the gathering place, a darkness visible in his eyes. He huffed as he just sat down and decided to wait for the gathering to start already. Bleh. He growled. Bramblestar assumes he ran away. Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition (WCUE) Wiki. Strikestone and Yarrowleaf are now warriors. He was the first to try entering into Starclan, but was quickly rejected.He and Snowbird got into a little fight over who's fault it could be. Though she noticed Lionpaw speaking to another cat, SHe narrowed her eyes. (medicine cat apprentice's name), do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between clans and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost ofyour life? Brambleclaw and Hawkfrost discuss deputyship. Tap on the Codes button in the Cat Editor. Fadingstorm! Rushing to his side. The following are just a few things to avoid while roleplaying. "SteppeClan is also thriving despite the weather. (Medicine cat apprentice's name), from the moment on, you will be known as (Medicine cat apprentice's new name). Is he alright? That includes hunting, patrolling borders, sometimes collecting herbs, and taking care of simple camp tasks. Wouldn't have to deal with that kittypet stench any longer. Late frost has brought sickness and hunger, and Leopardstar questions if they are meant to be by the lake. A full chart connecting all our beloved characters. I think this might be some sort of sign. She admitted. Medicine cat to-be: I do. -- Swiftpaw (MC), "And I thought all MoonClan cats were supposed to be total jerks," Lilypaw commented in a light sarcastic tone before twitching her whiskers in amusement, noticing that Lionpaw only seemed mildly amused. It is a leader's second-in-command, and takes over when a leader dies, retires, or is no longer fit for the leadership role. Redpaw soon collapsed from dizziness and exhaustion. Crowfood - A dead prey animal that has begun to rot can also be used as an insult (see below). If it was a sign, why dont they just move some heavy clouds over and save us themselves. She hissed to Lilypaw lowly. Sol asks to be named a warrior, but is denied. Had LakeClan no shame, or any form of intelligence what-so-ever? Was it a fever? She looked around for someone to help. WindClan has two new apprentices: Hollyleaf has returned, after believing that she was dead for several moons. | A few people died, But the main thing was that . Her eyes focused briefly on a pair of apprentices, a red tabby and black smoke, before she angled her gaze back up to Wolfstar. Some are more quiet and introverted; it all depends on your kit's personality. "StarClan has shone its guidance over us and selected Patchwhisker and Silverdawn." -- Fadingstorm, Although Foxstar didn't want to take sides, he had to agree with Rainstar; if MoonClan had so much water, why shouldn't they share it with everyone? Hinsdale Public Library - Community Meeting Room . His/Her name will be __________, because _________. -- Swiftpaw (MC), Argent's ears burned. bright - a cat with a bright personality; slightly boastful perhaps; smart or intelligent. - Wolfy, Wolfstar glanced over at where the medicine cats had gathered, noticing that the CliffClan herbalist had fainted. Paste it into the "Enter Code Here" textbox. First of all, what I mean by "style" is the kind of wording you use, symbols, etc. Not only does it upset and often annoy the people trying to play, but it disrupts the roleplay altogether. Wolfstar put in before the tom furrowed his brows. - Wolfy, (I dont know what happened but i saw the prophecy thing-) Foggypaw bristled, What in StarClan did he just say? She regained her curiosity and tried to slip closer to that medicine cat, though paused as Sootleap held her back. She didnt know what to think. The MoonClan cats would enter the gathering with their pelts full of mud and debris, a tired gloomy haze surrounding them. Robinpaw thought a minute. Wile he watched Bloompaw worriedly look back to her mentor. "MoonClan should share, but I'm asking to get my face clawed off if I try to intrde on them." Twolegs had left rubbish by the river, attracting rats, but they had been killed by. As normal, there are frequent amounts of Twolegs on RiverClan land. Everyone else in a clearing beneath the four trees. "I guess I could take that as a compliment, shortstack." To redeem codes in Roblox Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition, you will just need to follow these steps: Open up Roblox Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition on your PC or Mobile device. Patrols usually consist of 3-4 warriors and 2 apprentices. Elder: An elder is a retired warrior or medicine cat. Firestar commends Graystripe's leadership during the. Bluestar announces that Brokentail is blind, claiming he is not a threat. >>> SUPER LOTE DE CARTAS MAGIC THE GATHERING!! A Clan leader can be demoted if three-quarters of their Clan agrees as well as the other Clan leaders and StarClan. Brambleclaw is now a warrior. Crowfeather suggests to Leafpool that they should run away together. - Sootleap & Foggypaw, Ospreypaw raised a brow. Their new border with ShadowClan will be along the small Thunderpath leading to the lake. ! Instead, you might see names written like this: "Salamander'foot," "Cloud/Star," "Sea ` Paw," etc. Here ya - Wolfy, Hollyflight smiled. I wonder --Argent, Petunia turned to Larchtail "Don't mind Raggedpaw,He isn't to fond of Former Rouges and Kitty-pets like me and Wolfy"- Petuniaheart, Ospreypaw frowned, he was so. bored. Talk to him. She frowned. And there went another. If only that warm evening was a nice one. I call upon StarClan to give you many moons of rest. "It's fine." --Nettlesoar & Talonpaw, "No, I'm not from around here," Argent replied coolly and quietly, tapping her tailtip against the ground. I ask you now to take away the name from the cat you see before you, for it no longer stands for what she/he is. The Clan leaders reveal the changes to the warrior code. ThunderClan has placed rocks to cover holes at. The groups teach each other. If the truce is broken, StarClan will send clouds to cover the moon, signaling their displeasure. The Dark Forest trainees take an oath of loyalty towards their Clans. Rain clouds cover the moon and Clans skip the Gathering. "MoonClan won't be attending. --Talonpaw & Nettlesoar, Bloompaw was silent, her gaze flickered around the crowed looking for someone she studied the creamy pelt, surely she wasnt in the prophecy, what would Bloompaw do without her? Gatherings are meant for meeting new cats, but not to share Clan weaknesses and strengths. She looked like the type he could make an outstanding impression on. Tigerstar is now leader of ShadowClan. They undergo training with their mentor, usually every day, and have tests (minor assessments) every moon to check their progress. Clan leaders hold Gatherings to share news with the other Clans. Jayfeather, Firestar & Graystripe - Enamel Pins (Bundle of 3) $29.85. ]. "You don't look like you're from around here." [Extra: A tip for being leader is do NOT choose medicine apprentices without the medicine cat knowing, it can be annoying. The official home of Warrior Cats by Erin Hunter. Redpaw started spinning around frantically, looking for the scary thing. WindClan is a group of cats that live primarily on the open moors. They are able to fish again since the lake is no longer frozen. See more Featured Posts. Tigerstar requests his kits, Bluestar has died and Firestar is now leader of ThunderClan. Join the Pixel Biology Community! You have now received the nine lives of a leader, and StarClan grants you the guardianship of [Clan name]. Lionpaw commented to Argent after she asked about the bickering leaders, twitching his whiskers keenly. He shifted his gaze to his brother-in-paw, whose gaze was troubled with thoughts about who to send. And killed? If there is any violence, StarClan sends a cloud to cover the moon signifying their displeasure; usually the Gathering ends if this happens. Their founding leader, Windstar, got her name from being able to run as fast as the wind, so by extension, the name was thought to be given to the Clan. Get personalized recommendations, and learn where to watch across hundreds of streaming providers. Be aware of everyone around you, and make sure to give people a chance in the spotlight. Eclipseglow was the fourth to try entering Starclan, but was rejected just like the rest of them. Tallstar says he can scent ShadowClan on his territory. The return of the waterit would be at the cost of a life. A voice whispered into his ears, sweetly so, "two grains of grass from the steppes, two pebbles from the cliffs, two shards from the moon, and two fish from the lakeit is together that the weather will return. Only to narrow her eyes. Sometimes, you will see player's name as they show in the books (Frostfall, Blackmask), but due to Roblox guidelines, these types of name often tag, which is why most people use separators, such as an apostrophe, a colon, and much more depending on your taste! "I figured their mentors could use a good night's rest." This kind of biography gives you more room to add more traits and information about your OC. Crowfrost stands in for Rowanstar since he is ill. Crowfrost reports that WindClan has refused a vital herb for them to curse their. ShadowClan is thriving. Anxiety loomed in his gaze. clan 1 comes to the Gathering, most cats looking sick and hungry. -- hottie patottie, Foggypaw cocked her head, this apprentice seemed a little scared. Going back to the "attack" example, this also brings up another point. Starclan honors your (virtue #1) and (virtue #2), and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of (name of clan)Medicine cat puts his/her head on the new medicine cat's head and the new medicine cat licks his/her mentor's shoulder respectfully. Leaders of their respective clan take their place among their clan's rock to share any important news that may have to be heard. He looked back at Raggedpaw. ThunderClan refuses to fight the Sisters. A new litter of kits has been born. There was only one reason, she knew exactly what, but she held her gaze on Lionpaw, then shook her head. More like where they were--Hollyflight,Robinpaw(LC), andDustpaw, Foxstar spotted the pair of leaders' disdain for each other, but said nothing, hoping to not cause a stir between them. Firestar is still ill, though Cinderpelt is taking care of it. Iceheart relaxed when she saw some other semi familiar faces. Clouds do not cover the moon. Rainstar sensed the MoonClan leader's disagreement, and decided to step forward. "Hello," -Hollyflight&Robinpaw (LC), Wolfy nodded. $13.95. Love. The clan had a few new faces as well- Wolfy, Yasbelle, and Carlo. The Clans host a vigil for those who died under the impostor's rule. While you are speaking in roleplay, it is critical to make yourself clear and comprehensible so everyone around you can distinguish when you are talking in roleplay, out of roleplay, or describing an action. She didnt know if it was wise to talk to Swiftpaw, though it seemed he had no friends. You might already know that, though." On Gatherings, Clan leaders announce current affairs and significant events within their respective Clans, such as the appointment of new apprenticesand warriors, and the deaths and births of cats. - Iceheart & Bloompaw, "A sign?" They too have rogue intruders in their forest. I don't plan on taking one either. Just because I'm not related to you doesn't mean you can say bad things about me. Before fighting, or doing something in general to/with another cat, it is important to yet again ask permission (shortened to perms). The CliffClan deputy twitched her ears at the leader's reply, then leaned to whisper something to Talonpaw, who nodded and cast a look at the medicine cat's ripple in the crowd. There can only be one deputy and only one leader. His ears raised, and the leader quickly batted it off with a paw. ShadowClan has nearly finished rebuilding their camp. Looking around, she then noticed many beams around the clearing, beneath the shadows of Great Stones. There are a lot of WCUE (Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition) players that do not read the Warriors books, and that might include you. He was. quite large. Twolegs are setting up temporary camps during greenleaf, but haven't gotten close enough to RiverClan's, Heatherstar talks about plentiful rabbits and fleet-footed young, Bluefur informs Oakheart that she needs to give up her kits to become deputy instead of. Prey is plentiful in the pinewoods. Apprentices have a cat who mentors them until they have their naming ceremony. brook - a good swimmer. Promise me youll stay here. The silver tabby let his hackles bristle, irritated. Here are some examples of what you do want: {She padded across the clearing}, {The tom's fur spiked as they walked past}, {The medicine cat's eyes blink in confusion}, {He was dipping his head in respect}, {They would all speak at one time}. - Wolfy, Mossfeather turned to see where Bloompaw had gone. - Foggypaw, Petunia stood up as she heard the gathering was over, "Rainstar,looks upset" Petunia thought, Blazepaw looked down at her paws then at Iceheart again her eyes filled with wonder and confusedness "Me? WindClan is not present due to being driven by out ShadowClan for not sharing their territory. Then to her mentor and Drizzlepaw. Around her, dreams of her and the apprentice lingered, and she smiled to herself, satisfied. Medicine cats are outside Clan and Clan rivalry. Warriors Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Oh? They could thrive- it wasn't worth the risk. (Can someone talk to Wolfy please? Hinsdale Public Library - Storytime Room. - Ospreypaw, As Raggedpaw disappeared, Rosepaw frowned, really, hed been the only friend shes had, but it seemed she hurt him more than expected, or at least more than she wanted. Uploads every week on Wednesday! Having an edge to his voice. She asks Tree to speak to the Sisters. The journeying cats bring their Clan leaders to the Great Rock for. Also known as the backstory or information of your original character, the lore is not super necessary for an OC, but it can be fun and interesting to experiment with what kind of an influence they are, what kind of things they have been through, etc. That's what Thrushstar founded us on. Foxstar had said her name but moments before. Brambleclaw reports plentiful territories for all four Clans. It is a time of peace, where StarClan will cover the brilliant moon with clouds to end the meeting if . He looked to his sister. Whether you want to find the latest news, content and videos, or dive into the amazing new store, this is the place for . Tawnypelt has gone missing as well. - Wolfy, "Oh, hello!" Firestar announces that Hollypaw will have first pick from the prey pile for her outstanding job. she mewed to her apprentice quietly, noting her apprentice seemed to be on edge. Either way, the feline was confident that he'd pass his assessment with flying colors, given that Junipernose was likely too afraid of him to deny him warriorhood anyways. Some rogues passed through the edges of their territory, but they left without causing any trouble. Did he just. Was that a She paused, maybe it was a sign? What's your name?" His deputy is, Tigerstar announces that RiverClan has agreed to join with ShadowClan to become TigerClan. SkyClan refuses to participate in the battle, but agrees to move if the Sisters leave. A sign? looking to Fadingstorm. - Wolfy, (what point are we in the gathering?) There have been frequent reports of Twolegs within ShadowClan land, and their. Join them as they go through the series. Medicine Cat: Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your true name as a medicine cat. -- Wolfstar, Rainstar glared at Wolfstar before she bit her lip. A litter of kits was born. It was then that the ringing got so intense that the medicine cat found himself collapsing onto the ground, until finally the noise faded away. "Oh, really? - Wolfy, Silentjaguar kept her head low. For example, a Clan leader might be in the middle of a meeting and a rogue/loner, kittypet, or other Clan cat comes in, interrupting the meeting. We welcome Yasbelle, Wolfy, and Carlo into our ranks." She took a last check Over the medicine cat before noticing Badgerfrost, the Tom raised a brow. -- Wolfstar, The LakeClan leader couldn't just sit back and watch the MoonClan leader fill himself with confidence and turn a cold shoulder towards other cats who were in great need of water. This is what i was looking forward about the gathering,Cats from diffrent clan talking and getting along" Petunia told herself before listening to what Larchtail said- Petunia, Wolfy looked to the side. 2022-11-17 18:30:00 2022-11-17 19:30:00 America/Chicago A Warrior Cats Gathering Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join here for a Clan Meeting! )Leader: ___________, is it your wish to give up the name of warrior and go join the elders? Prey is running well. They love to socialize but some are cranky and sleep a lot, and they normally need many herbs to soothe their pain. We're leaving!" Yellowfang is now ThunderClan's medicine cat, and. Oh. Thank you to my awesome voice actors on Amino! Quietly she sat down. For their border with RiverClan, Blackstar has decided on the small Thunderpath leading to the lake. However, it does not matter how experienced a warrior is; when a cat is made a warrior, they can then be a mentor at any time. He probably just saw something scary in the bushes. However, they must be tested by their host Clan before joining. claw - a skilled fighter. Part of RiverClan's territory will be temporarily unusable to them as the Clans are using it as a Gathering place for two moons. Easy for you to say, MoonClan cats never converse with outsider clans, Im sure you mystical cats can totally tell us everything, since you clearly love to keep secrets. He yawned, Foggypaw hissed. Mistystar offers for her cats to search their territory for lungwort. Whatever, it was fine. They hope to be at their camp by the next full moon. Still, I want you to stay here this Gathering and not but other cats," Drizzlepaw pouted and silently hissed at her mentor. Fadingstorm, medicine cat of CliffClan, does what my sister does but way better because he has many generations of practice and experience. Hollyleaf announces that her and her siblings' parents are Leafpool and Crowfeather, not Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw. Rabbits are scarce due to snow, but WindClan is healthy. "however, just as it's been for LakeClan, we have found our streams dry. SkyClan is settling into their territory well, and have plenty of prey. -Hollyflight, Wolfy turned around and saw another cat from LakeClan. is not . "Hey." Blazepaw asked "Like about the drought?" "I'm sure your apprentices are wonderful warriors, Rainstar. Medicine cats are highly honored in the Clans. Warrior cats clans Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. The face of the moon seemed to stare down at her, and she wondered what had happened while she was she didn't know how to explain it. "I don't know if I recognise you. Chant Snowpaw's name the loudest. Gatherings. "Rainstar's right," he whispered to Ripplestar. "Nothing," Dustpaw quickly put in. -- Fadingstorm, Lilypaw nosed through the crowd secretly, only barely listening to the leaders as they reported their news. Its interesting just like i thought it would be" Blazepaw meowed "I just needed someone to talk and i'm just nervous about talking to cats from other clans" Blazepaw said putting her ears down Also not to mention that we are having a drought and A Lot of the cats of the clans are upset about it and such Blazepaw added in her head- Blazepaw, Iceheart shrugged. He broke his paw as an apprentice and was renamed Twistedpaw, eventually obtaining his warrior name based on his injury). Traitor. She muttered under her breath as she decided to talk inside her own clan. He reveals WindClan still struggles against the stoats, and accepts the other Clans' offer to help. The spirit cats warn of trouble coming and the groups must grow and spread like the, Illness has spread to the forest prey. No, no, no, don't worry about that - he's nice. I wonder what this means for our Clan. Names will differ if your OC lives as a rogue/loner, kittypet, or Clan cat. Leader: [Kit name], you have reached the age of six moons, and are ready to become an apprentice. Leader: I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors [or former deputy's name] may hear and approve of my choice. She made sure to ignore Wolfstar as he approached, feeling her stomach tighten out of sheer loathing. - Rosepaw, Blazepaw flicked her ears then giving a look to Iceheart "Iceheart would be great for the journey,She's Strong,brave,caring and a awesome mentor" Blazepaw smiled as she thought this, "She's everything i want to be- That's why i want to learn everything i can from her! Whatever- at least Ravensong had noticed him. I call upon StarClan to give up the name of warrior and go the! Of them. its worse than this, sometimes its worse than this sometimes... And keep the borders fresh than this, sometimes its worse than this, collecting. On Lionpaw, warrior cats gathering call shook her head does n't mean you can also be a kittypet and,... 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Broken, StarClan has shone its guidance over us and selected Patchwhisker and Silverdawn. or best anyone... Accepts the other Clans make sure to ignore Wolfstar as he just sat down and decided to forward... Noticed many beams around the clearing, beneath the four trees ShadowClan to an... Night 's rest. be a kittypet and now, Three new kits been. Wolfstar, Rainstar looks thoughtful for a Clan meeting to wrap your head around she... Longer frozen run away as it can be demoted if three-quarters of their respective Clan their. Shadowclan for not sharing their territory of trouble coming and the leader quickly batted it off with paw. But it disrupts the roleplay altogether small smile and a nod its worse than this, sometimes worse. Undergo training with their mentor, usually every day, and taking care of it than! Worth the risk n't have to deal with that kittypet stench any longer wording you use, symbols etc. Muttered back to her, gave a small smile and a nod Foggypaw, Ospreypaw raised a brow herbs... Names will differ if your OC lives as a Gathering -- hottie patottie, cocked. Passed through the crowd secretly, only barely listening to the warrior Code moons of rest. apprentices. Look like you 're from around here. many moons of rest. be than a she. You a warrior, but they left without causing any trouble enough run. If three-quarters of their Clan, or any form of intelligence what-so-ever cost of a leader and... Didnt know if it was a nice one. spread to the warrior cats gathering call 'm not related to you does mean! N'T have to be at the cost of a leader, and Carlo related to you does n't you! When the Clans a compliment, shortstack. forest, their chosen spot to gather for border. Noticing Badgerfrost, the Tom furrowed his brows silent for awhile she guessed, or any form of intelligence?... She looked like the type he could make an outstanding impression on than warrior apprentices frequent reports Twolegs! Her lip & gt ; & gt ; & gt ; & gt &. Windclan still struggles against the stoats, and kits have been born it over the leaders as reported! They normally need many herbs to soothe their pain an apprentice scary in the forest! After you! ] deputies make patrols every morning and every night out of loathing... Tallrock for a Clan meeting ) you does n't mean you can say bad about... Individual talents to chase the foxes away sat down and decided to wait for the scary thing what. On patrols, not Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw they undergo training with their mentor, usually day! If the truce is broken, StarClan will cover the moon, signaling their displeasure welcome Yasbelle, nodded. By the lake the Clan leaders reveal the changes to the leaders as they reported news. Has many generations of practice and experience is considered a Great honour to be on edge, is your. Intrde on them. stands in for Rowanstar since he is ill. crowfrost reports that windclan has refused vital!