continental prop strike ad

Since my engine is a TCM IO-520-L, I first went to Teledyne Continental Motors and found a service bulletin, which defined a prop strike and made recommendations about what to do. The minor propeller repair must be accomplished in accordance with the propeller manufacturers published instructions (if it exists) for the minor damage preferentially over more general AC 43.13-1B with the exceptions we noted earlier). The answer is yes, you can ignore the directive to the same degree that any one who operates under Part 91 does with any other service directive without the force of an AD behind it. On severe prop strikes, the mounts can be easily twisted and loaded in a way that it was not designed to withstand," he says. You will also find additional info detailing prop damage repair, minor to major, irrespective of any of the prop strike consideration. More than the prop and crankshaft Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters, Fora Area Brasileira FAB Comando da Aeronutica (Brazilian Air Force), Establishing the President's Advisory Council on African Diaspora Engagement in the United States,, MODS: Government Publishing Office metadata. While every effort has been made to ensure that Ken Tunnel of Lycon Aircraft Engines in Visalia, California, an engine facility used by a number of owners of show airplanes, said, "There's no way you can tell if there's any damage regardless of the circumstances. Communications should identify the Rules Docket number and be submitted Start Printed Page 70655in triplicate to the address specified under the caption ADDRESSES. This may seem to contradict itself since sudden stoppage is mentioned earlier in the AD in the prop strike-definitions section, but thats the way it is written with an orientation to certain types of direct drive Lycoming engines, with only Lycoming O-145, O-320H, O-360E, LO-360E, LTO-360E,O-435, and TIO-541 series engines being exempt. It is important to note that mandatory compliance with this AD is required as indicated before further flight if the engine has experienced a propeller strike as defined above, but per the compliance section of the AD it does not require compliance in the event of a sudden engine stoppage with no prop damage such as hitting tall grass. It turned out to be a salvage shop and the owner confirmed that the logs for the engine were available, and the crank had been dialed, and found to be OK. Dialing checks the run-out, which is the amount of movement at the flange when the crank is rotated. documents in the last year, 973 2023 Endeavor Business Media, LLC. Lycoming's new SB seems to generalize the term propeller strike and sudden stoppage to be quite inclusive. A prop strike-per the manufacturer and FAA definition is not often found to be minor other than the occasional small stone picked up causing minor blade damage but no rpm loss or prop removal is required for the repair, and those are key elements on the need for an engine tear-down-engine rpm loss or sudden stoppage from the strike. And anyway, who needs NOTAMs? ", Airworthiness Directive 2004-10-14 is applicable to Lycoming engines that experienced a prop strike. Kennedy Airport Jetliner Aborts Takeoff To Avoid Another Jet Crossing Runway, FAA Says; Agency Investigating, FAA Releases Audio From Deadly Wings Over Dallas Air Show Crash Between Air Boss, Pilots, Year-End Surge Boosts Boeing, but Airbus Still No. If the engine was assembled new, rebuilt, or overhauled on or before March 31, 1998, or on or after April 1, 2000, no action is required. Following any propeller strike complete disassembly and inspection of all rotating engine components is mandatory and must be accomplished prior to further operation. All rights reserved. I've heard that a Continental doesn't require a tear down and inspection as a Lycoming does, but looking at Continental's Service Bulletin SB96-11B it looks Home. They all agreed that if it were their aircraft, they would think long and hard about doing a teardown and inspection. On the record, owners said that if someone came into their shop and said he or she had an aircraft with a prop strike, they would follow the procedures outlined above to the letter. The service information referenced in this AD may be obtained from Teledyne Continental Motors, PO Box 90, Mobile, AL 36601; telephone toll free 1-888-200-7565, or on the TCM internet site This information may be examined at the FAA, New England Region, Office of the Regional Counsel, 12 New England Executive Park, Burlington, MA; or at the Office of the Federal Register, 800 North Capitol Street, NW., suite 700, Washington, DC. Comments for inclusion in the Rules Docket must be received on or before January 26, 2001. publication in the future. If you have only 100 hours left before TBO, paying for an inspection and then doing it over again in a year are silly. A bit of homework will go a long way towards helping you persuade your customer to do the right thing. Incidentally, the airplane's original equipment list showing the serial numbers of everything on the plane when it was built is available from the manufacturer. (iii) Maintain a record of each core sample obtained with each rotobroach bit used. +1.251.436.8122 08:00 - 17:00 Gasoline Engines Parts +1.972.586.1000 24 hours Avionics +1.251.990.5080 08:00 - 17:00 Latin America 02:12 ART Factory New & Factory Rebuilt Gasoline Engines +1.251.436.8101 10:00 - 19:00 Gasoline Engine Overhauls & MRO +55.11.99923.9579 08:00 - 17:00 Technical Support (AvGas & Jet-A) +1.888.826.5465 09:00 - Definition of Propeller Strike (i) For the purposes of this AD, a propeller strike is defined as follows: (1) Any incident, whether or not the engine is operating, that requires repair to the propeller other than minor dressing of the blades. It is Service Bulletin 96-11A, and this is the pertinent section: "Part 1Propeller strike incidents. 2023 Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, Better Together: Industry Resources Help Improve Aviation Safety. 533 called "Recommendations Regarding Accidental Engine Stoppage, Propeller/Rotor Strike or Loss of Propeller/Rotor Blade or Tip.". PROPELLER STRIKE INSPECTIONS. Moreover, 43.13-1B mandates the use of approved manufacturer data (providing it exists) rather than 43.13-1B data as the required source of both inspection and repair information (Manufacturer data will be more current with more detail and part specific is the thinking). One of the issues that is particularly hard to quantify if you elect not to tear an engine down, post strike and choose to disregard the fairly specific diagnostic procedures that the engine makers put out is do you have the FAA legal option of ignoring the service directives? on Anderson, owner of Corona Cylinder and Engine Overhaul, said the cost of a teardown and inspection, for a small four-cylinder engine like the O-360 or -320, is about $4,000. In short, there are many specific considerations to be evaluated post propstrike, and the manufacturer directives have more details than AC 43.13-1B, a reason why the AC is the second line of data/repair source, absent manufacturer data. Definition of Propeller Strike (i) For the purposes of this AD, a propeller strike is defined as follows: (1) Any incident, whether or not the engine is operating, that requires repair to the propeller other than minor dressing of the blades. That engine may be a time bomb, and an illegal one if the data plate is still on the engine, as after some mods it no longer qualifies as a certified engine, and may not be economically able to be recertified, depending on what was done to it. Then, put the pieces of the puzzle together for your customer and explain what needs to be done. electronic version on GPOs TCM is less equivocal. During the subsequent takeoff, the airplane's right wing hit the mirror of a semitruck, which veered the airplane into a fire truck and eventually a ditch. The FAA has reviewed and approved the technical contents of TCM Mandatory Service Bulletin (MSB) 005C, dated October 10, 2000. We like to think that those we deal with are honest, however, there's a chance of impropiety by a seller, so when buying an airplane, be careful. Is the engine being completely disassembled and inspected? He's found that a major strike will probably stop an engine turning under 2,000 rpm, but over that speed the blades will usually bend. Contact TCM to obtain additional rotobroach bits. Both Lycoming and Continental have very specific requirements for disassembly and inspection. The opinions differ with each individual, and what maintenance technicians would do personally is quite often at odds with their professional opinions. But if there's 1,000 hours or more left on the engine, you're probably better off with just an inspection. Conversely, you could have a time bomb engine with a prop strike in, say, a hard snow bank, where no damage occurs to the prop but the engine is stopped in less than one rpm (FAA definition), or even simply looses rpm (manufacturer definition), and the owner elects to do nothing (other than sell the plane). Yet, the company recently published a new Service Bulletin, SB No. You will note TCM does not get into the concept of sudden stoppages possibly being handled differently as Lycoming does. Prop strike on Continental. On TCM engines with the geared alternators up front, he has seen the mounting flange and the gear drive bolts break during a prop strike. can easily create significant internal stresses, such as stress cracks and loosened attaching hardware. All of the fractures have been grouped around certain manufacturing dates between April 1, 1998, and March 31, 2000, inclusive. But let me start this section with a caveat: There is no black and white, and the subject under discussion is the grayest of the gray areas. Compliance with this service bulletin is mandatory per AD 91-14-22. AC 43.13-1B has lots of general information in Chapter 8 on prop strikes. [FR Doc. Lycoming makes the point that an overstressed crankshaft gear dowel pin can ultimately shear, causing all power to be lost. Its also important to point out that this is not the only Lycoming bulletinthat discusses prop strikes. Aircraft was involved in a prop strike. (iv) Do not exceed the torque limits specified in TCM MSB 00-5C, dated October 10, 2000, when obtaining the core sample. offers a preview of documents scheduled to appear in the next day's I took the other SR20 this time and it was also broken, to the point where it shouldn't have been flown. 's Service Bulletin 96-11, in a nutshell, says that if a propeller must be removed from the aircraft to be repaired following a propeller blade impact of any sort or if the engine physically lost rpms from the incident, then the engine has experienced a propeller strike and it should be removed from service and completely disassembled and thoroughly inspected for damage from the incident." Sep 28, 2016. Any decision to operate an engine, which was involved in a sudden stoppage, propeller/rotor strike or loss of propeller/rotor blade or tip without such an inspection must be the responsibility of the agency returning the aircraft to service. To prevent crankshaft connecting rod journal fracture, which could result in total engine power loss, in-flight engine failure and possible forced landing, do the following: TCM supplies an instructional video in the tool kit for MSB 00-5C. by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission This amendment requires removing a core sample of material from the propeller mounting flange of certain crankshafts, and sending the core sample to TCM for evaluation. 49 U.S.C. According to the salvage yard, the prop strike came about after an out-of-fuel landing on a road in Louisiana. Are there any hidden costs? This article originally appeared in the December 2012 issue of Light Plane Maintenance. How about 50 rpm? Compliance with this service bulletin is mandatory per AD 91-14-22. The AD specifies the inspection at each engine overhaul, after a propeller strike, sudden stoppage, or whenever gear train repair is required. Lycoming's new SB seems to generalize the term propeller strike and sudden stoppage to be quite inclusive. In the case of any accidental damage to a propeller installed on a aircraft operating under Part 91 of the FARs, it is ultimately up to the inspecting technician to determine if the engine should continue in service without total disassembly and inspection. Document Drafting Handbook The engines and crankshafts that are the subject of this AD were manufactured by TCM from April 1, 1998 through March 31, 2000. McCauley hubs must be retired if any of the blades within the assembly are bent beyond repair limits inboard of the 85 percent blade radius. the most are "prop strike." There used to be, but it was kind of informal and there was a lot open to interpretation. Federal Register. Unfortunately, it may be the next owner who discovers any hidden damage. 01/17/2023, 284 documents in the last year, 12 For those engines that were overhauled in the field with factory new crankshafts, the crankshaft SN should be shown in work orders, log books or other maintenance records. I've heard that a Continental doesn't require a tear If you have a prop strike, or suspect the airplane you're looking to buy has suffered one, take your time and do your homework to save some money. The AD specifies the inspection at each engine overhaul, after a propeller strike, sudden stoppage, or whenever gear train repair is required. Lycoming has reports of ground strikes, which have resulted in overstressed connecting rod bolts, that failed later. The defects were not revealed during manufacture because specification material evaluation techniques were inadequate to detect these anomalies. of the issuing agency. Does 500 rpm fit that bill? karen rietz baldwin; hidden valley high A prop-strike also imposes terrific jamming forces backward on the rear of the case-where the gearing is located and easily damaged. 533A, which is dated in 1999, five years earlier than AD 2004-10-14, and four years earlier than SB 475C. Are the minimum legal requirements being met? A. Basically anything that moves is subject to visual and other forms of nondestructive testing. The prop had a good-size dent in it, prompting the pilot to remove the prop and send it in for repair. Or it could be an engine with illegal performance enhancements for a certified engine such as shaved decks to increase compression. Service Bulletin 533A has the pertinent Lycoming prop-strike definitions for all Lycoming direct drive engines. On Lycoming engines, which are not nitrided, the flange can be bent. TCM is less equivocal. The following was overheard recently at a maintenance facility after a very irritable looking pilot walked in with a look of embarrassment on his face. If it has, and there's no indication in the engine logs about a teardown and inspection, it's time for a long explanation from the seller. Another thing to look for in the logs is a prolonged period of inactivity, such as years between annual inspections and oil changes. Over the years, Continental has built a service offering for aircraft operators and owners These services include engine overhauls at the Continental factory service center for Continental, Titan, and LYCOMING engines, factory overhauls for Continental AvGas engines, sudden stoppage/propeller strikes, shock inspections, fleet overhaul programs, Jet-A burning engine Should he also have performed the obligatory engine inspections? Re: O-360 propeller indexing (noticeable slight vibration) Lycoming O-360 A-1As (and every other O-360 Ive met) propellers should be indexed such that the propeller stops at the 10 and 4 o'clock position (viewed from the front facing aft) when the engine shuts down. The concern, of course, is the prospect of hidden damage, which can cause, and has caused, subsequent engine failures. Others will pay for all costs for the inspection and for any parts needed due to the incident. continental prop strike ad 21 May. TCM SB 96-11B defines a propeller strike as follows, and we paraphrase: First, any incident, whether or not the engine is operating, that requires repair to the propeller other than minor dressing of the blades, for instance where the propeller is damaged by a small foreign object during operation, such as a small stone. Each document posted on the site includes a link to the (d) An alternative method of compliance or adjustment of the compliance time that provides an acceptable level of safety may be used if approved by the Manager, Atlanta Aircraft Certification Office (ACO). Lycoming's Service Bulletin 533 would also have to be complied with without question. regulatory information on with the objective of Now I had to determine the consequences. Any incident while the engine is operating in which the propeller makes contact with any object that results in a loss of engine RPM, such as propeller strikes against the ground or any object can cause engine and component damage even though the propeller may continue to rotate. Its entirely possible after a sudden engine stoppage for there to be severe internal damage and yet the prop looks perfectly OK even if the prop was either totally stopped or the rpm dropped by the incident. Conditions which surround accidents are many and varied; therefore the circumstances of the accident can not, in our opinion, be used to predict the extent of the damage to the engine or assure its future reliability. Got a nick on your prop? In light of the preceding information, would you be comfortable doing that? Counts are subject to sampling, reprocessing and revision (up or down) throughout the day. The $8,500 differential is not insignificant. Propeller strike inspections. He also said that if you have a prop strike while traveling, don't go to the first shop you see and turn the airplane over to it. I spoke with several shop owners and asked their opinion. documents in the last year, by the Federal Communications Commission documents in the last year, 1487 My investigation started with my need for another engine for my Cessna 210. Also, some engines with a gear-driven alternator have a large, relatively thin and very vulnerable gear bolted to the forward end of the crankshaft. better and aid in comparing the online edition to the print edition. Accessories can take quite a kinetic hit, and while it is specifically mot mentioned in the above AD, that is more of a focus issue. (2) Any incident during engine operation in which the propeller impacts a solid object that causes a drop in revolutions per minute (RPM) and also requires structural repair of the propeller (incidents requiring only paint touch-up are not included). He continues, "T.C.M. Emergency AD 2000-08-51 was sent to all known U.S. owners and operators of Teledyne Continental Motors (TCM) IO-360, TSIO-360, LTSIO-360, O-470, IO-470, TSIO-470, IO-520, TSIO-520, LTSIO-520, IO-550, TSIO-550, and TSIOL-550 series reciprocating engines by individual letters. As mentioned earlier, Advisory Circular 43.13-1B, Chapter 8 defines a sudden engine stoppage as stopping an operating engine in one revolution or less for any reason, period, and includes prop-strike damage as a subset of the of sudden stoppage definition (at least the way we interpret the way it is written). documents in the last year, by the Fish and Wildlife Service A propeller strike (according to this Lycoming bulletin) is defined as follows:(It has all the same definitions found in AD 2004-10-14 that we printed in italics but has additional information): Circumstances which surround accidents are many and varied; therefore, the circumstances of the accident can not, in our opinion, be used to predict the extent of the damage to the engine or assure its future reliability. for better understanding how a document is structured but Airmark Overhaul, Inc. 6001 NW 29th Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309. developer tools pages. Inspect all engine driven accessories in accordance with the manufacturers maintenance instructions. the official SGML-based PDF version on, those relying on it for The flange will break before it bends. The engine SN can be found in logbooks or other maintenance records. Since that time, the FAA has obtained information regarding 13 crankshaft failures. To start my investigation, I wanted the official definition of a prop strike. The incorporation by reference of certain publications listed in the regulations is approved by the Director of the Federal Register as of December 12, 2000. documents in the last year, 946 All comments submitted will be available, both before and after the closing date for comments, in the Rules Docket for examination by interested persons. The Public Inspection page may also