fomapan 400 vs hp5

Fix, rinse, hypo clear, wash and surfactant as normal / desired. If you prefer yourself, it is possibble to give formula? Its really worth trying different kinds of exposure with different films, as any one film stock can have any number of different looks depending on how its treated. Thanks to the compensating nature of TMax and Acufine and using a highly dilute (1+63) mix of Ilfotec HC. Thanks again for another informative article. Rodinal hat die Eigenschaft ber 20C krnig zu werden. The fact that this experimentation was necessary with Fomapan but not with the Kentmere is quite damning in my opinion. Some people love them; others cant stand them. Gnstig, Haltbar, ergibt hervorragende Negative, vertrgt sich mit allen mir bekannten Filmen, jahrzehntelang bewhrt. 100, incident meter, added a stop for bellows extension, at f/45 got 6 seconds, increased to 43 sec for reciprocity failure. Notice the lost detail in both the figure and the highlight of the water. If thats the look youre going for, it may satisfy you, but I personally prefer Ilford Delta 100 for 35mm photography, and in terms of classic style emulsions, I even find that I prefer Kentmere 100 in 35mm to Fomapan. Kentmere definitely has a cubic grain structure, and is only really visible when severely underexposed usually my experiences have been of a very fine grain. When it comes to Fomapan film, results and opinions are mixed. I found that Kodak TMax Developer, Acufine and Ilfotec HC all do wonderful jobs developing Fomapan 400. However as this is a comparison between the results these films offer under certain conditions it could be interesting to some to understand how they were treated after being exposed. I want to try the films out myself now. Very little shadow detail, but great when you know how to use it. Your previous content has been restored. I dont believe that reusable developers are a great idea with Fomapan, due to the anti-halation dye (see above, and a note below as well); one-shot developers where you can dump it off seem like the best bet. Its old world tonality just cant be achieved with the Ilford product which I find rather digital-like. Having now revisited it with my more advanced skillset Im happy with the look it can offer, and have a better understanding of its place in my workflow. And given the wide latitude that conveniently covers for a bit of exposure accuracy sloppiness, it feels like Im pretty well assured of good shots under varying conditions. als der Silvermax darin ebenso mit guten Ergebnissen entwickeln lassen. 1. Very different animals. I really disliked Fomapan 400. Ill have to try it now; thanks for the recommendation! Id probably let it sit in the developer a little longer next time.Regardless of the negative density, the results speak for themself - just look at the detail in the chrome of the motorcycle pictured below. I absolutely understand that for someone looking for a lower grain and more of a modern look the Fomapan emulsion isnt going to work, but then, I am not really sure that the Kentmere 400 would meet this requirement either neither of these films wins in that department. Its cheaper than tri-x and hp5+. But honestly, Fomapan 400 Action is nearly indistinguishable from the two slower speeds in terms of grain, contrast, and image quality. August 27, 2018. by twhittlesea. I've managed to tame it a bit with homemade Microdol 1:3 BTW Although development is slow, like 25-30 minutes at 75F with 30 second agitation. Some people maintain that it has that vintage TriX feel from the 60s. Ill expose for the highlights either to achieve a silhouette, or to specifically frame something within an area of light, and allow the rest to remain in shadow. I actually like to leave this option on when scanning 120, but I think its too aggressive for Kentmere and leaves the grain looking chunky. Simon, nice job! As for Fomapan, definitely not a true 400 speed film, but somehow it is the one i keep coming back because it is different, it has a looks that is inherent to it, highlights especially, and i reduce dev time to avoid blown highlights. allerdings wurden die Negative dann auch recht dicht- gerade so, wie ich sie fr meinen hybriden Prozess bentige. Theres any number of things I could try. Ich wrde HP5 in D76 nehmen und den Silvermax- Entwickler mir schenken. But Fomapan 400 is a film that came with a bit of reputation before I even shot it and developed it myself. There are two ways to experience 35mmc without the adverts: Paid Subscription - 2.99 per month and youll never see an advert again! Bei ISO 100/21 habe ich mich fr den Silvermax entschieden. Glad you found it useful! No, I shot a lot of TriX in the 60s and there us no comparison in contrast or sharpness. I dont usually see much point in discussing my workflow for development and scanning, as for me the art lies in making the images moment to moment, and not in the chemistry necessary to reveal that on film. Corrected a couple of typos in the original piece. Really glad you found it useful! Display as a link instead, At any rate, nice shots. Ich setze nur einen Liter an und benutze dafr die Beutel fr 1 Liter Stammlsung. At $8.12 a roll for 36 exposures, you arent saving much by choosing this film over Kodaks offering. Pitch black shadows, and massive grain, similar to tri-x. In the photo of a hotel, why is a young lady climbing into a window?? News, Tips & Reviews. I was really happy with the overall look of the film, both in flat and bright light it delivered fantastic definition between even the subtlest of gradations. I like the old-fashioned look of Foma films, here Fomapan 200 Creative: Camera: Mamiya C330 Professional. If Fomapan is already underexposed to my eye at box speed then that takes away from my ability to comfortably shoot this film in every situation I would want to apply it to. Some people love it, some hate it. The same can be said for HP5 Plus. And more recently, NewClassics EZ400 is Fomapan 400 but is only in 35mm but comes in those nice cardboard canisters made from recycled materials and are easily recycled themselves. There is no longer that very obvious and annoying halation or muddiness in the prints. However I think because of the grain structure I often perceive the Fomapan to have a little bit of an edge in sharpness. With some loaders there is no actual gate, just a labyrinth which prevents the light from entering more than an inch or so. I just dont shoot enough film to make the price per roll very relevant, but I think youd be hard pressed to find a B&W film in this price range that performs this well. For example a roll of medium format will cost you less than 5$. And while it does perform better and is a little more accessible to more people, I still think that the film does an amazing job as a 400-speed film. Die wild unverpackten Recycle Filme mchte ich ebenso wenig benutzen. Thank you Marius! With all the bulk loaders I know of, the film comes out of the opening from the place you put the roll in and you then shut the gate that allows light in before you switch the light back on. Kentmere 400 or apx400 in Europe (they are the same) are a good film with medium contrast. Thank you! Id like to be able to shoot 400 speed films either dead on as much as possible, and to use the latitude when in tricky situations to go slightly under when necessary. Cheers! A good analogy is what bikers like to say: "The fun is in the journey, not the destination.". A bit tedious admittedly, but the price I pay for cheap infrared film that does regular work also. Thanks for experimenting with this film so the rest of us can just go straight to the EI that gave you these great results! The datasheets say that at 2, you should go with a 6 exposure. Of my usual go to developers, I like it most in ID-11 or D76 (same developer different manufacturers) at a 1+1 dillution but exposing the film at 250 ISO but processing for the 400 ISO times. In my day to day London walks I have been shooting a lot of Kentmere, and as a walk-around film it is wonderful, and really accentuates the greyer London tones. Can you talk about what developers you used? You write from your shoes on the groundand no tree shots. Kentmere 400, exposed for the interior of the car. den habe ich in D76 zu recht brauchbaren Upload or insert images from URL. Fomapan features a more severe cut off, with well exposed images showing pure blacks and pure whites with only a very same-y grey in the middle. I dont think film is itself an inherently sharp medium when comparing to even the most basic digital sensor, but if sharpness is something youre looking for then you shouldnt be disappointed with either of these options. Fomapan is a film I tried when I first started out, but I was undertaking the learning curve of a film camera as well as film itself, and this meant that my results were not ideal. If youre a fan of a particular era of films and love that high-speed crunch and grain that youd find in a 1970s roll of Kodak Tri-X and are okay with a bit of speed loss or an increase of grain plus a bit of soft mush and a mid-to-low contrast than Fomapan 400 might be a film to try. Is that the new Jane Bond? Otherwise Id say its a tossup between Kodak Tri-X and Ilford HP5 Plus. These images show how much information is available in these highlights when metered and exposed dead-on, as well as what detail is retained within the shadows and what is lost. in Atomal49 1+2 kam er noch differentierter und mit schnen Grauwerten. Not as cheap as Fomapan but different look. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'35mmc_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_10',180,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-medrectangle-3-0'); I think this experience definitely demonstrated to me the way that box speed is subjective. HP5+ is an exemplary film, and definitely worth the extra cost. I recently wrote a 5 Frames With Fomapan 400 where I described the results shot at EI1600 with a 2 stop push. For the most part, it is probably best to drop the EI by a stop for your standard group of developers, such as Ilford ID-11 (Kodak D-76) Ilfotec HC (Kodak HC-110), shooting the film at around ASA-200. Fomapan 400 is pretty grainy, high-contrast, and cheap. Kentmere is a low contrast film which leaves you a lot of room to work in the shadows, and turns out great when developed in DD-X. Lines are clean, and micro-contrast is maintained. Yes, in that case you would be cutting into the film speed a bit, but you could still get more of the look you like while shooting the film you prefer. Shadow detail is close to non-existent in these situations, but I am usually happier with the look of these images. I have used this film pushed to 3200 when shooting my kids indoor sports, for example. A well exposed frame of Kentmere in overcast conditions will still have good contrast between the extremes, but a Fomapan shot under the same conditions will be that much darker, and that much lighter in areas that would still be grey on the Kentmere. If what you truly like is the all-round value of being able to shoot a true 400 speed film (Kentmere) but you often bemoan the more linear gradient, grayer, muddier look that Kentmere renders, why not just shoot it at 800 and push it a stop during development? Learn how your comment data is processed. But dont limit yourself to those; it also sings in Kodak D-23. I thought it would be interesting to discuss the two, and make a few comparisons where appropriate in order to help guide people towards making a choice between perhaps the most popular budget black and white films on the market.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'35mmc_com-box-3','ezslot_1',179,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-box-3-0'); Ill be talking about the 400 variations of both as 400 speed films offer me the most diverse uses for general purpose, all-light shooting. Another suggestion would be to shoot Kentmere 400 at box speed, but through a yellow or orange filter to boost the contrast. Thanks John! Excuse the scanner artefacts looking directly at the negatives, there is perhaps a very small difference in the darker areas of the sky, but this is marginal, so marginal in fact that I am not really sure you can call a winner. There are several 5 Frames With articles Ive written here on 35mmc which look at some of the results from these different exposure combinations with Fomapan 400. DIE Reportagekombi der 60er und 70er. 21 Grad, 19 Minuten AGFA in R1+50 haben bei mir 640 ASA gebracht. I think sharpness in a film conversation can end up a little convoluted, but of all my recent work Im most looking forward to darkroom printing these Fomapan images on Foma paper double the grain, sharpness doesnt come into it at all, and Im positive the results will be exactly what Im looking for! What a difference! Thanks! for Accessibility for blind people who use screen readers I have an Olympus Pen F (digital) which I love so the Pen EE looks like the right camera at the right price. See if you can guess which is which in the comments! I think that because of the larger grain this film has a reputation for being a bit soft but this isnt a concern I have at all. Honestly, if money is that big an object or is the sole criteria, then just steal TMY2 or TriX. Enter your email address to subscribe to the latest Studio C-41 Articles! But I still find myself willing to pay a little more for HP5 as it has been more forgiving for me in terms of exposure latitude and ability to handle different developers. Aber Rodinal mit ISO 400 geht doch, finde ich. The recurring points here pretty much nail it: HP5+ is a more consistently quality film that pushes much better. Interesting you thought of the surveillance film; thats not an analogy Id considered, but I can see where youre coming from!Ive done all kinds of different exposures and dev types for the Fomapan, as documented here, here, and here.If bulk rolling Id personally stick with HP5+, but the Fomapan is cheap enough to warrant a try! Thanks for visitingBeyond the Aperture. I quit shooting Fomapan 400 because it was so scratch prone for me.Also, whats your Plustek workflow like Im thinking of ditching silverfast for vuescan, Im hearing vuescan makes for more neutral images because silverfast always wants to employ negafix profiles and rubbish like that (half the films I shoot dont even have a negafix profile). it is another film i feel has a distinctive look and feel (quite grainy though on 35mm, but somehow very nice tones and the grain adds a nice texture). Update: November 28, 2021Updated pricing references and made a few minor edits. Fomapan 400 @ 1600 Fomapan 400 @ 1600 This roll of Fomapan 400 was exposed EI1600 and developed at a +2 stop push. OK, I told them, they were pulling a bait and switch with their product and I would be moving to another film. A couple of years ago, I spent the summer shooting different B&W films. What I carried away from those early years was process, discipline, repeatability. Upon research, I believe I've found the R72 does indeed have a higher cutoff point for infrared and therefore actually a better filter for the purpose. 5 Reasons Why You Should Try Fomapan 200. The grain is fairly fine. Scanning is all done on my Plustek 8100, usually at 2500DPI and in all neutral settings which gives me a very clean TIFF file. One of these photographs was made with Kentmere 400, and the other with Fomapan 400. Order and structure, vs a more random pattern of sizes. As registered member you'd see an image here. Oops read it on the computer instead of the phone- apparently reading glasses are on the shopping list. However for a budget option I hope that this article helps people to decide on something to try themselves! vielleicht findet man da noch einen brauchbaren Rhythmus, ich habs dann drangegeben, als der K400 leergebraucht war. Fomapan 400 is the fastest emulsion in Foma Bohemias line of films. roll of Kentmere 400. Theres a touch more clarity, things are a little more defined than I find in the Kentmere. HP5 Plus was the most dense film out of the bunch, which made it somewhat more difficult to scan. The difference, in the best way Ive seen it described, is that cubic/classic grain is like pebbles on a beach, whereas tabular grain is like pixels on a screen. I think I spent less time editing my Tri-X shots in Lightroom after applying a basic curve in Photoshop, but I wouldnt say thats a good indication of film performance. I cant find a reputable source to this, and theres nothing mentioned in Fomas technical sheets, so Im really not sure what to think about this. That being said, settling on using it as a 200 means that Ill shoot it less frequently, reserving it for spring/summer use. I personally enjoy pushing Kentmere and think its forgiving tonal range leads to better images when pushed. Ich wrde einen HP5 nehmen und unter 20C bleiben. Although I wouldnt recommend Fomapan 400 for long exposure work, youre compensating once you get past a second of exposure. However it absolutely shines as a character film when over exposed I really do believe it to make more sense as a 200/300ish speed as many online similarly claim. It will also mean that I can make a few comparisons to other, higher end 400 speed films, as they fill roughly the same space. Fomapan 200, Im still trying to figure something out. ID11, falls ich rckfllig werde, doch ist die einfache Handhabung mit geringem Platzverbrauch von Rodinal / Sivermax mir derzeit wichtiger. Hopefully this will be apparent when you look at the images below, which you can click on to get a closer look. Grundstzlich passt auch jetzt alles in den Schrank, doch ordentlich ist das nicht. Also scanner brand and model name please. As a winter/autumn all rounder the Kentmere is serving me well, and Fomapan as a high-light film makes a lot of sense. Most of my serious stuff I would not use 35mm for. Seems like the Kentmere offers better tonality, though you call it muddy maybe print on a higher grade paper/up the contrast to get the harder look from fomapan? So by exposing for the shadows, youre basically over exposing it 2-3 stops and thus placing the shadows off the toe and onto the linear part of the film curve? This article started as a write up about my time shooting these two emulsions over a long bank holiday weekend, where I had similar lighting conditions and was able to shoot similar exposures across both Fomapan and Kentmere rolls. Honestly, Im glad I gave Fomapan 400 a second look; its turned into a film Im now more likely to reach for outside of my usual two fast films, Ilford HP5+ and Kodak Tri-X. Film Photography Podcast and News Shoot Some Film, Dang it! schrfe war nie ein Problem. It is, I believe, well known that Foma is a go-to choice for relabeled black-and-white film stocks, and evidence suggests that three of FPPs monster films are actually Fomapan 100, 200 and 400 respectively (the fourth appears to be Orwo UN54). Fomapan 400 can also be used for street work in dull conditions or in areas where you want to show off a bit more crunch to go with urban decay. All photographs and text appearing on are the exclusive property of the named author (except where stated otherwise) and are protected by copyright. TLDR: Differences are minimal, both are cheap, Kentmere very very slightly better. ? Fomapan 200 suited me better. So this post is very helpful many thanks. I havent yet tried anything by Bergger, but Ive seen and heard good things! HP5 habe ich unter diesem Handelsnamen nie verwendet, aber als Kentmere400 wird wohl eine recht hnliche Emulsion angeboten. Ich bin immer etwas unsicher welche Entwicklungszeiten ich nehmen soll, da ja nie klar ist um welche Version des Filmes es sich handelt. But for some, $20 is a big deal. Theres never a bad time to go out and shoot some film. Enter? I get where you are coming from. Thats originally what got me to try Foma Bohemias three primary film stocks all under the Fomapan name but its not whats kept me using them. und deshalb folge ich da den Herstellerangaben der Chemie. My conclusion is that in comparison between two box speed 400 films the Kentmere wins outright. Black and rich and whites are vivid. All photos were given the same amount of sharpening and then inverted after cleaning up any lingering dust with the spot healing tool. I still prefer Tri-X but its a I didnt change the development times, so it wasnt a classic pull; just overexposed.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'35mmc_com-box-3','ezslot_1',179,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-35mmc_com-box-3-0'); I think that under these conditions the film really came into its own. It and developed at a +2 stop push folge ich da den Herstellerangaben der Chemie an. An und benutze dafr die Beutel fr 1 Liter Stammlsung little more defined than I find in the comments developed... In Atomal49 1+2 kam er noch differentierter und mit schnen Grauwerten which is which the... Hopefully this will be apparent when you know how to use it at EI1600 with a exposure... That fomapan 400 vs hp5 you these great results 400 is the fastest emulsion in Foma Bohemias line films. Annoying halation or muddiness in the journey, not the destination. `` shot... Of years ago, I spent the summer shooting different B & W films at $ 8.12 a roll 36. 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