o negative blood type physical characteristics

I put these things to the test all the time so I refused any information about when and how he was treated. Her name is Dylan Siobhan but she also goes by Selkie, of the mermaid lore. Fear of losing control is the one of the RH negative blood type common characteristics. I Have blue eyes, red-brouwnish hair, my head is a little bit bigger when I was born. Your email address will not be published. and there it is. Have you noticed how a lot of men with cleft chin have an oval type of face? They were used to conduct the study and tests and when those were too hard to come by they used rabbits instead! I also have cold hands and feet but get overheated easily. Of the 26 traits listed below, I have 22 of them. Home Characteristics of People with Type O Blood. I bright flashing light engulfed the upper corner of my kitchen it had no shape just SUPER bright and it crackled and snapped. Simply fascinating how I am described on such a list. RH is a protein that provides these influences. I' ve physic dreams and events my entire life, so at least now I know I'm not alone and there are others like me. Or your feet? They know when they are right or wrong for each other. as I am the otherworldly person from another world( 4 star systems in Andromeda Galaxy MI-#1)---Not belonging to humankind on the Earth. 3. ". I had debilitating migraines from the ages of 18 to about 25. We said before that people with RH negative blood type characteristics can feel separated at times. If I do, I won't be able to get it out of my head for days, months, & even years with certain news stories or images that I've seen or heard. Just "warp" me to where we need to go, lol! My mom didn't have warm coloring at all. Have had so many small world coincidences than I can tell. The article did not address lack of aging, however, both my parents, all of my siblings & I are commonly thought to look 10 to 20 years younger. These people know what they can do, create plans to get work done, then implement a strategy which allows them to do it. As an adult I found people didnt want to believe in my abilities and when presented with proof they would soon after lose contact and drift out of my life after or things would just feel awkward. If you have an A blood type, then you have A antigens, but no B antigens. Unlike ABO system, an Rh -ve person will not have anti-Rh antibody in the blood unless he/she has been previously exposed to Rh +ve blood. Most of me wants to read up on this for fun like I would a horoscope, but then a small part of me feels like the list of characteristics really fits me. They can see through others but are hard to see through. Jan 12, 2017 at 12:49 pmExhaust Fan Said: (function(d, s, id) { I would have a dream as young as 16 and within hrs a family member would be dead. Im trying to learn how I need to take care of myself because my health is not good but Im learning what I need to do to change it. "Who's brain did you give me?" Tall and thin. I do have eyes that change color with dark features and sort of olive skin (not sure how much I put value on the eye and hair color since this is only about 1% of your DNA make up but I am absolutely astonished by all of this. Read Internet, and watching Youtube are fine for me. Since this is an accepted part of Japanese culture there has been quite a large bit of data collected that supports the idea that certain blood types display different personality traits. WOW!!! Yes, they can keep an open mind, but that is only when new information comes to life. When I have my hair coloredyou bet orange and red are going to be the first color you seeit has always been a joke in my family because no one else has my coloring ( I belong to the milkman)and my head has always had trouble fitting into a hatbaseball caps not so much but a fitted hat forget about it! Knowing your blood type can help you select exercise and diet choices that can improve your chances of being and remaining healthy. At the very least, the questioning process is more interesting than the answering process. And I am lucky, no problems with my pregnancies even though the childrens father is O+ Have to say though that I got some treatment after my first son was born. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 AWAKENING STATE. Ciel Clark (author) from USA on January 20, 2014: think the internet is so amazing to find very distinct groups and put us together. We had numerous genetic and other tests, but apparently the Rh factor wasn't an issue since I supposedly I had been given the shot each after each miscarriage. I think most psychic happenings could be scientifically explained if one digs deeply enough. My ex and 8 year old son never saw it but, my 12 year old saw it. if (d.getElementById(id)) return; Any emotion can be useful, including anger and grief, to create a world that is better. Too many to mention and some quite lengthy but I'll tell you one. The traits you speak of are vague and can be read in any number of ways. This blood type is usually very balanced and even-tempered. I think genetic research may eventually come to an acceptable solution to this mystery of the blood. I have flashes of events that latter come true, I have become a hermit in my house because all the negativity in this worlds sucks ny energy dry! Also, as far as I know, none of the other traits. Well, unless you consider having reptilian blood a bad thing. most people just seem to be going w/ the follow of thingspropaganda/a message seems to affect them. 4:37? This information is useful in a statistical sense for general health care, but it is not predictive for a single individual. And they have distinct physical and mental characteristics. Only with others who have gone through it. They pick their battles well and know when its time to talk or listen. They are believed to have leadership qualities and are considered innovators and trend setters. I am Rh + while my Husband is Rh-, please what kind of effect will this have on me or my baby as am pregnant? I've been looking for negative aspects to being Rh negative, and besides the very important downside faced by pregnant Rh-negative women, there is not a lot of bad hype. of 165-200 despite of Genetic Deafness as I am Bi-Lingual (English and American Sign Language) Christa D'Auria. Learning finally about all of this at my age has been absolutely life changing! No exceptions. The uncomfortable side to all this is that I often feel like I don't fit in. Only 1 in 67 European-Americans are that. You feel like you know what is going to happen next. Not unhealthily low, but enough that the nurse always makes a comment. more than anyone else. My sister also has heightened senses like smell etc. However, this person can donate blood to any blood group person as none of the three antigens is present on the red blood cells. This is why people with RH negative have a fear of heights and fear of flying. Eyes have changed colour over my lifetime from blue to green to hazel with a ring of brown around the pupil when it is small. If you work hard, focus on your strengths, and use all the tools which are available to you, then you can accomplish almost anything. lloyd pye encourages this with "everything you know is wrong". For others, it might mean meditation, Yoga, or prayer. Coincidence? I am Rh-negative and so are my 3 children we have many of the listed characteristics. and I am very curious to think about the things we don't know. Kind of depends on the person's mood and this article most like will attract a certain mood too. I told my boyfriend this as I walked in the door and said I was leaving before then but ended up being convinced to stay. My mind is reeling from everything I've read here today. Some will say you are hiding something. They are comfortable in isolation. Genes inherited from our ancient human relatives made our immune systems oversensitive I would have to say I would never want to be a public figure or world leader. My ancestor came from a place who mean "Village of Stones". Engineering, astronomy, and creative painting are great examples. the the degree of gayness can make a large difference in the traits of any individual. Probably the most important ones that have always plagued me are I am a bleeding heart and feel painfully high levels of empathy that I have lost sleep over. Until I ssaw this myself it only manifest on camera couldn't see with naked eye.. Additionally, people with blood group O negative are less likely to need blood transfusions than those with other blood types. 9. What are the rh negative personality traits? It's very strange. I have had things happen that I thought about and have projected those thoughts on others. I think she could probably fly one day. You could have heard a pin drop when the anesthesiologist who saved my life goes.oh my God, my name is Dr. Simon. Do Rh Negative People have a certain Look? I only recently discovered that I am of the AB - blood type. It is important to learn to hold back. Did someone ever tell you they cannot figure you out? Do I feel like an outsider? It's simultaneous is my best explanation. The body will attack any foreign antigen, e.g., aperson with blood group B will be having B antigen on the red blood cells and therefore "A" antigen will be foreign. Do Rh Negative People have a certain Look? Those who cannot see through them, are often surprised by them and dont see them coming. All in all, I think I cover the common characteristics of being RH- fairly well to say the least. Did they raise children in a unique way? I'm not sure about this diagnosis. The A Starseed Blood Type corresponds with Alpha Centauris star system, which is the closest star to Earth. Truth! Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "aac96bbd3b1ff20df3673b2f20c55854" );document.getElementById("c08a1a06c7").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. My most obvious sign of empathetic illness is that I have been known to fall asleep in the middle of situations in which other people are extremely upset. Blood group "O" means absence of both "A" and "B" antigens and both anti-A and anti-B antibody in the plasma. I am extremely sympathetic when it comes to elderly ppl & children, & cannot bare to see news clips of abuse. Some believe there is a certain diet for each blood type, and it is true that certain foods can affect your body in different ways depending on your blood type. I am truly amazed by this. These individuals often have difficulty coping with their feelings, especially if they have recently lost someone close to them. I was being pressured to go to my boyfriend's house one night and I just DIDN'T want to go. my feet are always cold,my hands ar sweaty. Mom went into the windshield above the steering wheel and I helped her back into her seat, doors would not open and there was a brilliant red glow. x the unknown? I sometimes am cold and hot at same time, usually cold hands and feet but once I get them moving my hands can be like little heaters. And you do that with common daily events. It is believed in Japanese culture that a person's blood group determines his/her personality traits. It is quite powerful though. My mother told us we were witches growing up and all the females had psychic abilities. Most of us have difficulty absorbing iron but I can't find anything saying we also cannot Storing Iron. The one obscure mention that caught my eye in JamaGenee's post was her "inner alarm clock". Are rh negative people more likely to have red hair and/or freckles? im self-programming. but, one trait which almost no one ever seems to consider for men is how gay is he (and how masculine the two are not mutually exclusive)? RH negative people have high empathy. O negatives get each other. She died young, at 41 from a heart attack but I've frequently mentioned that her favorite shows were Outer Limits and Alfred Hitchcock. In the future, I am going to look into my other oddities: I am left-handed, have strangely high arched feet, have different vision and eye shape in each eye, and have a very narrow jaw. Same effect that second pregnancies can have if the blood of an RH negative mother rejects a baby.. Because of this trait, youll find these people going 100% all the time, which makes them more susceptible to injuries and burnout when compared to other personality types. check out his video, on our common and uncommon ancestry. First baby born without me even knowing my blood type. Listening to the news on the radio or reading it on the Internet is fine, but I can't watch. If you have the B blood type, then youd have B antigens, but not A antigens. 7. It appeared that the car was on fire as a red glow engulfed us both. I have read that the Rh Negative trait is less common among. Concentration is nearly impossible. The headshape of the Neanderthals is interesting and I cannot help comparing it to the Basque people who have the highest percentage of rh negatives in Europe and are often called the first Europeans. Including the fact that I always asked if I was adopted. I feel different as if I am the only person left on the planet that actually gives a care and is willing to help others at any costs. ARE THERE PHYSICAL TRAITS RH NEGATIVE PEOPLE HAVE? Always thought that our blood group plays a more important role in defining us. - looking young for my age (now that's a cool one) :). Thank you for understanding. This is why they are often the smartest person they know. The A Starseed Blood Type is usually honest, artistic, and talented. eyes, large head high forehead and widows peak which is also common with rh negative women. Big doe. I found similar information on many different sites, with no known original sourceI will list all the sites I visited at the end. There are also some photos of me as a child playing with snakes. A person with AB+ blood group will have all 3 antigens (A, B, and Rh) on his/her red blood cells. but they are very sensitive.. If you have the B blood type, then you'd have B antigens, but not A antigens. I finally agreed but on the way out the door a radio station was giving the astrological reading for the night. All rights reserved. As well as having low thyroid, low blood pressure, hazel eyes, dark brown hair, Irish descent.. As of late.. Have seen ancient alien phenomenon! And for those of you interested in Basque life and culture, here is a video which you might like: Disclaimer: This blog, all of its content and all of my posts are for Entertainment Purposes Only. @J Yes, I am for real lol. Some might say the RH negative blood type features suggest alien origin. I have been trying to figure out a next post- any ideas? I find the psychic thing is stronger in my boys than me, if the girls are experiencing it they haven't made comment. I believe more in rh negatives with red hair come from snakes or reptiles or some type of ancient astronaut. If they need to put on an act to get something accomplished, they are very good at it. 5. I believe more in the neandertalian origins than the weird theories about our alien or reptilans origins. I have a very low tolerance to heat, being rh negative explains so much. Your email address will not be published. They might deny the fact they are sad, but you know it inside. I am o negative. It's always in high demand because it can be used in emergencies when there's no time to test a patient's blood type. Is this part of our trait or not? I think I am being inspired to call Red Cross tomorrow and find out. I do have dreams that come true and freak my friends out. They have a good sense of humor, and they tend to be very funny. Which role did the women play and were they considered equals to men? Therefore I would say that this list is nonsense and/or has nothing to do with blood types. They dont see any benefit to having a mood swing or creating purposeful drama with other people. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. "Abby who"?. I am male and have no childrentried but always ended in miscarriage. If you don't agree with something, just shut your pie hole and you move on. Among the mental category, I do have a higher IQ, frequent dejavou, feelings of being an outsider (I used to think it was just a teenager thing, but it hasn't stopped as I've gotten older), I am currently in college majoring in astronomy and microbiology, heightened intuition, and I'm also easily frightened, to name a few. What do Stork Bite Birthmarks mean spiritually, Crow Cawing In The Morning: spiritual meaning. To this day my son and I still talk about it. They form opinions based on the facts that are available to them, willing to keep an open mind about their decisions if new information comes to life. Felt I passed some small psychic tests when young and into playing games. I could be wrong..since really, I don't know how much significance rh negative traits really are but..it seems like the negs that I do know--have a mild aversion to foul language. I have an excellent sense other than vision but am able to repair it and in the process of doing so. A Starseed with AB blood is not connected to any physical star family. I also found out I am an A- during pregnancy. At the time our shared secret was exciting and we spent lots of hours talking about this made up planet but I accept the fact this was not my smartest mothering moment. So although your article is interesting I don't think many of the characteristics you have defined as rh negative is accurate. There are, however, many interesting theories on what it means to have this blood type. Due to being very pale I am very sensitive to the sun; however, I am very cold most of the time and am known to wear a down jacket year-round. my daughter was visiting new York city when she was a teen age girl. I Thank God for finding this Hub. I do get jumpy, but I would not consider myself easily scared. There are times the air is on full blast and I will be sweating! Im curious as to how they determine this, I realize w a blood test but its more complex than just A, B, O and combinations. The closest relative of mine who is Rh Negative is a female third, cousin. I have dreamed about events that were to come, sometimes not completely understanding my dreams until the event began to unfold. Shocking to find out about this and other lists of traits as I am B- and have so many. (just thought I would put that out there) Thank you HubPages for giving me a place to vent. And if indeed Neanderthals were rh negative, it would mean that the females pregnant by Homo sapiens could have had issues conceiving as well. The test will determine which blood type you have: A, B, AB, or O. in my dali-esque world, time melts like a cherry popsicle on a hot day. (Probably!). ;), I am an almost 22 year old Mexican-American female with Type O Neg, blood. Hello, I'm french canadian (My text will contain some mistakes with the english language). Why this happened is up for debate. My mother had them also. She is also a redhead with amazing bright blue eyes that people always comment on. It's only a short time that I've known that I wasn't partly a Black man. I started to look into science and theories of Rh-negative blood when my children started showing psychic and medium abilities. anyway, im familiar w/ blood types A+, O+ and O neg. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. This week, we are going to talk about Blood Type O, the most common, the oldest (in an evolutionary sense), and the most universal for blood transfusions. Every other child that I knew in foster care is in jail, dead, on drugs, or VERY dysfunctional. Do I feel "otherworldly?" Who were the ancient ancestors? I too am O-, and have never felt at home on this planet. Many other dreams have come true, some good things and others like this, not so good. i have 99% of the traits listed. I could go on forever, I am a loner, I love to think about things by myself, I am a born again Christian, I love Christian music videos. - sounds weird but I remember things happening from before I was born. Someone with O-type blood without Rh factor would therefore be an O Negative blood type. Not one! My B+ husband annoys me a lot. Blood Type O Negative Personality Traits - YouTube People with blood type O negative are living lie detectors. Copyright 2015 BioBalance Health. 44 and 20/20. I don't feel I am more 'special' than anyone else or 'better' which is why I don't like to talk about my strange experiences with most people, because they more often than not, react as if I am some eccentric with delusions of grandeur, and that is far from how I feel about myself. An observation first, which a previous poster mentioned, the content of all these comments are unusual in that they're well written and no profanity. I am a B- and have about every trait I've read on here. O Neg Blood Type Personality Explained There are four primary blood types that are found in humans: A, B, AB, and O. Normal blood pressure and pulse. Thanks for the great article! One rh neg and one pos would be positive. Animals tend to move out of my way or listen to me when I give a command .my ex said that I also was like Damien the anti christ lol. And where could the origin in these traits lie? I have 19 of the characteristics and am O- blood with the RH Factor, Hazel Eyes, Alburn hair and am of the Royal Bloodline. at the root of it, it is not known, this ancestor of all negatives. Do you see similarities? Forget it! Lets not fool ourselves. I yelled that my dream was coming true and we had to get out, "fire!". It is important to note that there is no "O" antigen on the blood cells. Facts, The RH Antigen is not related to monkey ancestors. Narcissism is a trait that is always in danger of developing with this personality type if this issue is allowed to spin out of control. So far there is no scientific claim to the theory. When I got on my ownnever ever sick again. Wow..thanks so much for this. Your email address will not be published. "As far as I can tell, there are no drawbacks to being Rh-negative except for the fact that if you are a woman, you need to take some special precautions while pregnant. I swear I must have been abducted at a very young age because I hated going to sleep because of seeing cat people. To this day I am very much a loner and just dont get narrow mindedness. Experts say that these not so desirable personality traits come from the ancestral need for the flight or fight response to survive in what was a very dangerous world. I admire those who can shield themselves well. Some people think Rh-negative people have ancestors from a different world! Here are a few important things about A-negative blood type donation. An antigen is anything that riles up our immune system into making antibodies, and we have a lot--about 50--that are in our blood. Some people believe that your blood type should impact your diet. It amazes me for all of these characteristics to be on one list! At 10:30 that night, we fell from his 4th floor balcony in the middle of a kiss, not even knowing we were going over the railing and landed on cement below. Ciel Clark (author) from USA on January 09, 2014: I don't think the blood is actually connected to monkeys --just the animals they tested to determine blood types! We both have (had) big heads, green eyes and a heightened sense of smell. I've always had a psychic connection with my RH- daughter. Many times an interviewer will ask a potential candidate their blood type at an interview. I am 55 yrs old and have 20/20 vision. However, any foreign antigen will not be recognized as native and an immune response will be generated to eliminate the foreign antigens. Remember, there are multiple elements that you have to balance in your life to be healthy. That might be my take on life, but a friend of mine is fond of saying I can fall into a bucket of sh** and come out smelling like a rose, so there's probably more than a grain of truth to it. Has that come up at all? Are there no gender roles in Rh negative relationships? Other than that I've had one other experience when I woke up in the middle of the night because I felt like there was a strange man standing over me. What were the blood types of the Vikings? People with the O Negative blood type personality traits tend to see emotions as a tool instead of a reaction. I do have lower than normal blood pressure, not too sure about my pulse though. But so far, we can only go by ancient statues. Your blood type doesnt drive your personality. I was in the middle of a forest with no phone or way to get to one and I've had a stomach ache for 3 days so would you please stop that?". The B Starseed blood type gives one a strong sense of justice, and they are highly intuitive. that said, there needs to be common groundhopefully some common interestsunderstandingrespectappreciationworking together to move forward/live in a similar direction together in some way. light-colored hair, mostly red or reddish, light-colored eyes (blue, green, or greenish brown eyes), an empathetic and a compassionate character, a tendency to be easily shocked or scared. How about your hands? I think that we come from one of the oldest people in Europe and in the north a Europe they where isolated, so the neandertalian DNA could have been well preserved. What are the rh negative personality traits? My head is head is larger than most, I'm very sensitive to light and frequently blow light bulbs when turning on a light. Still, a funny coincidence in regards to this article. I have had feelings of deja vu my whole life. I actually teach elementary school now and while I am a high energy teacher, the greater drain to my energy is absorbing the energy from the emotions of my students. It was named that because it behaved in a similar way when mixed with a different kind of Antigen. I've always had a big head too lol. 53 now, just saw this list on In Search Of on cable, the Atlantis topic. I was also the one who usually had to hold the TV antenna to get a good picture! The positive or negative in the blood group refers to the Rh antigen. Blood group is determined by the presence of antigen(s) on the membrane of red blood cells. The Type O Negative blood type personality traits are based on universal truths. The work being done becomes a personal reflection of who you are as a person. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. And I find this article very interesting where I find people who have the same exp as mine and relate to most of the traits except a large head and the hair thiny. I believe their father is O+. But I gotta say it and be blunt absent of all the formalities of science, political correctness and perceived morality. My ancestry is 100% Irish. aliens? I was born with a scare above my right eye, it freaked my mom out. If the individual cannot come to terms with what is bothering them, it could lead to self-destructive behavior. Either way, those who have this blood type seem to share certain characteristics and tendencies such as : Being nonconformists and rebels, having an interest in the paranormal and conspiracy theories, and feeling like they dont fit into society or have always felt like an outsider/alien. Knowing you belong to A, B, AB, or O-negative blood group (or positive) is important because it is vital for saving life many times. I do feel different but not like a serpent different lol (had to throw in a joke). My body temperature is low as well as heart rate and blood pressure. I am very sensitive to heat. I normally dont post comments. I am very observant, analytical, intuitive (perhaps that overlaps into some psychic abilities, which a some people have told me I have) and I am fascinated by metaphysics, esoteric occult knowledge and spirituality. there are many scaled linear spectrums i can use when considering where someone fits (as i know/understand them now) for instance: beauty, physical strength, intelligence, character, creativity, compatibility, trustworthy . I have extremely perceptive and heightened intution. But that is not true. Thus, people with RH Negative blood type characteristics are uncommon and rare. I am open to the idea of actual magical happenings, but I would need a lot of proof. Image source https://pixabay.com/photos/girl-red-hair-blue-eyes-sunrise-1642695/. O negative are said to be natural born leaders very much in tune with themselves and their instinct and always ready and unable not to act according to it. But in no way is it literally connected to the Rhesus monkey. Check what all of you have written and see what new comments you may have!